School Norms

Code of Conduct

Students must come in proper uniform on all workig days

Uniform should be clean and well ironed.

Good name of the institution and of the students, should be preserved and maintained always, in the school as well as outside.

Students should walk to the assembly in a line with their class and they should be on time.

Loitering or collecting in groups or creating nuisance strictly prohibited on the verandah corridors, staircases and other passages or anywhere in the School Campus.

Never use load or vulgar language in the School Premises.

Parents are not allowed to meet their children or to take them home without permission of the Principal

Students should be very punctual and regular to school. They should be in their class rooms before the period begins.

Desks, Black Boards, wall of the classes should be kept clean, property of the School be safe gaurded.

Students should be careful of their personal possessions like Pencil, Pen, Books, Tiffin Boxes etc.

It is advisably nor to wear any costly Jewellery to the school or carry any money/valuable articles with them.

Students should behave well with the teachers and they should be polite to every one.

Our School being an English Medium School, all students are expected to converse only in English in the school premises.

Students should pay attention to their home work daily and do it properly and submit their notebooks to their concerned teachers.

All notebooks should be neat, will converted and labeled.

Coming late and being absent without permission or any other form of misbehavior will lead to severe punishment.

All instructions issued from time to time should be carefully followed and obeyed.

Pupils are expected to keep premises clean and should not destroy any plants or flowers or litter the place.

Pupils must bring the School hand Books to school everyday and note down home assignments and important instructions given by the teachers. Teachers will make us of the School Handbook to Communicate with parents.

School Norms

Rules of Conduct of Students

Respect your teachers, parents and elders.

Be regular and punctual.

Be smart in your prescribed uniform.

Be systematic and methodical in your work.

Always strive for better results. Aim for excellence in your preformance in the right way.

Regard the School property as your own and save the same from any damage.

Use the toilets properly.

Always lend a helping hand to your classmates and students who are younger than you.

Take interest in games and sports and other co-curricular activities.

Students should use hand towel, and don't spill the food down. Keep your surroundings clean.